called around this morning. He told me, that when he dropped off
Jean-Luc's shopping last week, he'd persuaded him to write down
directions to the house where Marie was staying. So we decided to go
and find the place this morning to talk to her. On the way over Karl
explained how, when he returned to the farm, he attempted to lead
Hilda out into the yard. But, even though Karl assured him it would
only for ten minutes, Jean-luc became hysterical; swearing and
accusing him of trying to find out the winning numbers of the next
lottery. Apparently the "magic cow" had won him 100 Euros
last week.
directions were useless. We back-tracked along the country roads a
few times, stopping at several properties. Eventually we came to a
hand-painted sign advertising fresh eggs for sale: the only clue
Jean-Luc had given us. We both noticed the misspelling of the word
"fresh" (œufs
fraise à vendre)
which gave the impression they were trying to sell "strawberry
eggs". Jean-Luc had mentioned this, calling them ignorant
peasants. We drove down the long dusty track until we came to an old
farmhouse and two outbuildings, their roofs patched with corrugated
iron. A few rusted trucks and dismantled cars stood outside where
chickens roamed freely, searching through the long grass. A black dog
lay slumped in the sun and growled listlessly after Karl's van
skidded to a halt.

men looked up from under the bonnet of an ancient Citreon Dyane.
They were dressed in blue overalls and I was immediately struck by
their similarity; matching pencil moustaches, long greasy black hair
tied back, and identical baseball caps worn in reverse. They both
stared at us for a while before one spat, wiping his mouth on his
sleeve. The other man did exactly the same: Marie's brothers.
strode towards the nearest and held out his hand. "Bonjour,
Before he could reach him, the door of the farmhouse creaked open and
a short fat woman waddled out. She stopped a few feet outside her
door; grey hair tied in a bun, orange and brown swirls of her trouser
suit (a symbol of the seventies) stretched over her middle, her eyes
squinting in the sunlight. At the mention of Marie's name she nodded
and beckoned us indoors. The twins continued to stare.
kitchen was large, cluttered with mismatched cabinets, heavy oak
sideboards and two big wooden dressers. Chickens strolled around the
stone floor regardless while numerous cats slumped in every available
space. I noticed Karl's eye roving over the furniture when we were
interrupted by a rasping cough from the threadbare armchair in the
corner. An old man, wearing grey underpants and a string vest was
clutching a cigar in his claw-like hand. Behind him, alongside an
ancient stove, Marie was stirring the contents of a large pan. She
turned and gasped as she saw us.
explained how Jean-Luc wasn't managing and needed her to be with him.
Marie said nothing, but flung the wooden spoon onto the cluttered
table, took off her apron and marched out through the door, without
saying a word to her parents. The twins watched as Marie got into
Karl's van and we dove off.
once, I was relieved to hear the familiar tones of Muddy Waters as we
made our way back down the track. During the journey Marie remained
tight-lipped while Karl hummed tunelessly to the every song on the
face lit up at the sight of his wife while Bruno bounded over to
Marie, leaping into her open arms. Hilda, meanwhile, stood her ground
with glazed eyes fixed on the numbers around the dial of the kitchen
and I closed the kitchen door behind and left.
called back to his place and had a couple of beers outside near the
lake. Gary seemed happy, bossing the other geese and ducks around:
King of the Pond!
Wednesday 3rd September.
up this morning to another dream about Pierre; the second one in the
last two weeks. It makes me wonder if I should start plotting the
follow-up to Amatore's Restaurant. Although I had planned to work on
my historical novel (once I get all this marketing out of the way).
More of this in my next blog post.